[Sunday, March 2, 2024] The Power of the Gospel | Romans 16:17-27
[English Sermon 영어 설교]
Sunday, March 2, 2025 - Sermon by Rev. Jinkook (Danny) Sohn
The Power of the Gospel (Romans 16:17-27)
Romans Series 37th
2025. 3. 2. 주일예배 설교- 로마서 강해 37
본문: 로마서 16:17-27
제목: 복음의 능력
설교자: 손진국 목사
Every Sunday, we have been preaching from the Book of Romans, and today marks the 37th and final sermon. Since starting on the first Sunday of June last year, today, the first Sunday of March 2025, completes exactly ten months. Let us attentively listen as we conclude the study of Romans.
The central theme of Romans that we have shared is the gospel. We have considered what the gospel is and what role Romans plays in our lives and faith. Romans helps us prepare for life in advance.
1. Have a Maintenance-Oriented Faith
There are various ways to categorize how people live their lives, one of which is distinguishing between maintenance-oriented and repair-oriented individuals. For example, when managing a car, a maintenance-oriented person regularly inspects and services their vehicle before problems arise, while a repair-oriented person does not maintain or check their car but keeps using it until a breakdown occurs, then only fixes it when the issue becomes unavoidable.
A maintenance-oriented person encounters fewer major problems in life, whereas a repair-oriented person often faces significant troubles because minor, unseen issues grow and fester until they become serious.
The same principle applies to health management. A maintenance-oriented person undergoes regular checkups, whereas a repair-oriented person does not. If both were to develop cancer, what would happen? The maintenance-oriented person would likely catch it early during a routine checkup and receive timely treatment. In contrast, the repair-oriented person only visits the hospital when symptoms appear, often discovering the disease in its late stages, leading to a higher risk of losing their life.
Faith operates in the same way. A repair-oriented believer turns to God only when a major crisis arises, crying out in desperate prayer because of the gravity of their problem. Their prayers are focused on themselves and their family's issues: “Lord, help me. Lord, what should I do? Lord, open a way for me. Lord, solve this problem.”
Such faith is entirely devoted to resolving a single crisis. Once the issue is resolved, they often stop praying—until the next problem arises, at which point they pray fervently again. If all problems are resolved, they cease praying altogether because they see prayer as a tool for problem-solving. When asked, “Are you praying these days?” they might respond, “I'm taking a break. There’s nothing urgent to pray about right now.” If they return to the prayer meeting, it is clear that something has happened—a crucial exam, a significant life decision, or an unexpected event. Likewise, when they stop coming, it means their problem has been resolved. Their faith is problem-centered, focused solely on immediate concerns rather than future vision. Such people never experience true peace because their faith is dictated by their circumstances. To them, believing in God is merely a means to solve their problems.
A maintenance-oriented faith, on the other hand, prepares in advance through prayer, seeking God’s will and vision rather than reacting only when trouble comes: “Lord, what is Your will? What should I prepare now for Your kingdom? Lord, what do You want me to do?” Such believers are vision-oriented rather than problem-focused. When they discover their God-given mission, they pray, “Lord, grant me the strength to fulfill this calling!”
These maintenance-oriented, vision-driven believers focus their prayers not on personal issues but on God's kingdom, interceding for the church and others. Such individuals pray consistently, regardless of whether they face difficulties. Why? Because they understand that prayer plays a crucial role in building God’s kingdom. When these steadfast believers fill the early morning prayer meetings, it strengthens the entire church. If just 10% of the congregation holds onto such a prayer life, the church will experience remarkable revival, for spiritual warfare through prayer drives out the power of Satan, and God works according to such faith.
Romans encourages us to become maintenance-oriented believers.
[Application] Do I seek God only when problems arise, or do I have daily fellowship with Him? Is my prayer focused on solving problems, or is it centered on God’s will and vision?
2. Root Your Faith in the Gospel
A repair-oriented, problem-focused faith is easily shaken by circumstances, whereas a maintenance-oriented, vision-driven faith remains steadfast in all situations. What causes this difference? Fundamentally, it comes from where one roots their faith. The foundation of one’s faith determines its strength.
Romans clearly teaches us what the true gospel is.
[Romans 16:25] Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past.
Apostle Paul urges us to root our faith in the gospel—the proclamation of Jesus Christ. The true gospel is Jesus Christ Himself. When our faith is rooted in Him, it stands firm.
Verses 17-20 mention those who cause divisions in the church with false gospels.
[Romans 16:18] For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
Such individuals do not root their faith in Christ but serve their own desires. Instead of serving Jesus and His church, or bringing lost souls to Him, they use words to deceive the naive for their own benefit.
Where should we root our faith? In the gospel. If our faith is deeply rooted in the gospel, it remains unshaken by circumstances. However, if it is rooted elsewhere or only superficially in the gospel, it becomes weak and unstable.
Why? Because the gospel fundamentally transforms our lives. The greatest problem of humanity is death, which stems from sin.
[Romans 6:23] For the wages of sin is death…
As a young man, I pondered the question of death. Why must people die? Many have sought immortality, such as Emperor Qin Shi Huang of China, who commanded his servants to find an elixir of life. His royal physicians presented him with a miraculous substance that made his skin glow and his energy increase. He even bathed in pools infused with this “elixir.” However, he died suddenly at age 50 due to mercury poisoning, as the so-called elixir contained toxic mercury.
No one has succeeded in escaping death. Why? Because death entered the world through sin. Unless sin is resolved, death cannot be overcome. Death is not merely the end of life—it leads to judgment and eternal separation from God.
[Hebrews 9:27] Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment…
The gospel is the story of God coming to resolve this problem. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, bore the sins of the world and died on the cross to atone for us.
[Hebrews 9:22] Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
He rose again on the third day, conquering death and offering eternal life.
[John 14:6] Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
[John 5:24] "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."
This is the gospel. Through faith in Christ’s atoning death and resurrection, we receive forgiveness, eternal life, and escape judgment.
[Romans 1:16] For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
[Application] Do I believe in the power of the gospel? How has this gospel transformed me?
3. Give Glory to God Through the Gospel
[Romans 16:25] Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past...
The gospel was once hidden but has now been revealed through Jesus Christ.
[Romans 16:26] ...but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith.
The gospel is no longer a hidden mystery. Hear the gospel. Believe the gospel. Proclaim the gospel.
[Romans 16:27] To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.
How can we glorify God? God receives glory through Jesus Christ. When people believe in Jesus and receive God’s righteousness, He is glorified.
[Romans 3:22] This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile.
The power of the gospel is that it grants sinners the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus, leading to salvation.
I earnestly pray that our members at Heaven’s Hope Church will not just live with a repair-oriented faith focused on solving personal problems but will become maintenance-oriented believers who pray continually, vision-driven believers who pursue God’s will, and mission-driven believers who proclaim the gospel and participate in world missions.
[Application] Who has God placed near me to be saved? What can I do for world evangelization and the salvation of souls?
하늘소망교회(담임 손진국 목사)는 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 북부 실버데일에 세워진 한인교회로 '하나님의 마음으로 사람을 살리는 교회'입니다.
Hope of Heaven Baptist Church (Senior Pastor: Rev. Jinkook Sohn) is a Korean church established in Silverdale, Auckland, New Zealand. It is a church that saves people with the heart of God.