설교 Sermon/English Sermon (영어설교문) 22

[Sunday, September. 29, 2024] Those Who Are Led by the Spirit of God | Romans 8:12-17

[English Sermon 영어 설교]Sunday, September 29, 2024 - Sermon by Rev. Jinkook (Danny) SohnThose Who Are Led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:12-17)  2024. 9. 25. 주일예배 설교- 로마서 강해 17본문: 로마서 8:12-17제목: 하나님의 영으로 인도함을 받는 사람설교자: 손진국 목사 What is the greatest joy that a believer in Jesus can experience? Is it making a lot of money? Achieving a high position? Enjoying the blessing of health? Receiving the bless..

[Sunday, September. 22, 2024] A Person of Christ | Romans 8:5-11

[Sunday, September. 22, 2024] A Person of Christ | Romans 8:5-11[English Sermon 영어 설교]Sunday, September 22, 2024 - Sermon by Rev. Jinkook (Danny) SohnA Person of Christ (Romans 8:5-11)  2024. 9. 22. 주일예배 설교- 로마서 강해 16본문: 로마서 8:5-11제목: 그리스도의 사람 설교자: 손진국 목사 Once upon a time, there was an elderly man in a rural village who grew a long beard. There was a child in the neighborhood who was curious abo..

[Sunday, September. 15, 2024] No Condemnation | Romans 8:1-4

[English Sermon 영어 설교]Sunday, September 15, 2024 - Sermon by Rev. Jinkook (Danny) SohnNo Condemnation (Romans 8:1-4)  2024. 9. 25. 주일예배 설교- 로마서 강해 12본문: 로마서 8:1-4제목: 결코 정죄함이 없나니설교자: 손진국 목사 We are continuing to share the Gospel through the book of Romans. While understanding the Gospel is important, what is even more crucial is living out the Gospel. If we only hear and understand the Gospel as d..

[Sunday, September 8, 2024] Faith and Conflict | Romans 7:13-25

[English Sermon 영어 설교]Sunday, September 8, 2024 - Sermon by Rev. Jinkook (Danny) SohnFaith and Conflict (Romans 7:13-25)  2024. 9. 8. 주일예배 설교- 로마서 강해 14본문: 로마서 7:13-25제목: 믿음과 갈등설교자: 손진국 목사 Today's passage is one of the more challenging and debated verses in Romans. The focus of the debate is, first, who is the ‘I’ in the passage. The argument is whether the protagonist is Paul himself or a third..

[Sunday, September. 1, 2024] The Old Husband and the New Husband | Romans 7:1-12

[English Sermon 영어 설교]Sunday, Spetember 1, 2024 - Sermon by Rev. Jinkook (Danny) SohnThe Old Husband and the New Husband (Romans 7:1-12)  2024. 9. 1. 주일예배 설교- 로마서 강해 13본문: 로마서 7:1-12제목: 옛 남편과 새 남편설교자: 손진국 목사 Who Do You Think Christians Live Under the Rule Of? The Apostle Paul clearly explained the Christian's allegiance in Romans 6:14: "For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not..